Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Okay, here is what's been going on lately...

Mrs. Evening Grosbeak

A ruffed grouse seen while cruising along a random Forest Service road near Carson, WA.

Baby osprey in its nest on highway 14

Osprey mama in the fading light

Ah, the California quail. Some of my favorites to watch scooting across the road.

Mr. and Mrs.

A handsome fella.

Cliff swallow nests under Tucker bridge on the Hood River! An exciting discovery while kayaking, requiring a return trip the next morning to get some pics.

A lovely western tanager at Tualatin Hills Nature Park in Portland. Welcome back, tanagers! I have been waiting for you!

Song sparrow

Cooper's hawk at Tualatin hills- it is really dark in that forest so good pics are hard to come by. I am pretty sure this a cooper's and not a sharp shinned hawk based on his rounded tail feathers with a thicker white border... but I could be wrong...

Black headed grosbeak in the yard- a new visitor!

The stellar's jays have been duking it out with the scrub jays for the suet lately. Yes, I know there are twigs in the way.

The lovely dogwood tree is in bloom.

1 comment:

Michele said...

Wonderful collection of birds and blooms! Love the cute quail!