Thursday, April 28, 2011

Catching Up

I have been really busy lately juggling 3 jobs and school, but I thought I would post some of the latest pics from spring time in the Gorge. It has been a cold spring so all the wildflowers are later than usual and I keep missing them when I go hiking because of my timing. What I have seen has been wonderful, though. There are more pictures on my camera that I haven't had time to upload yet, mostly because none are that spectacular, but I will post them when I have a chance.

Western Meadowlark at Tom McCall Nature Preserve

Columbia desert parsley at Tom McCall

Mrs. Rufous Hummingbird

Mr. Rufous Hummingbird

Ever had a hummingbird wink at you?

Yellow-rumped warbler doing a little primping

The lovely red flowering currant bush in our yard- a hummingbird favorite

I know she is an invasive species (house sparrow) but this is the most Threed-like picture to date- it was the early morning reflected light and close proximity that did it.

Brewer's blackbird

White-crowned sparrow- large numbers of these guys have been singing to each other in the yard lately.

Mrs. Rufous fueling up

Mr. Rufous in action. Photographing a hummingbird in flight is no easy task. I have great respect for those that do it well. Patience is key.