North Fork of the John Day River
I just got back from a 3 day river trip- we floated 40 miles of the North Fork of the John Day River. It was a great experience and I saw some really cool places. I schlepped along both of my cameras, carefully guarded from the water. Here are some of the highlights:
Townsend's solitaire- a life bird! One greeted us at every camp we went to.
Foothills of the Blue Mountains at the put in
Western Buttercup- very abundant and one of the first signs of spring in arid lands
Fern leaf desert parsley
Right near here we heard and saw the flash of a peregrine falcon hunting... sadly it was too dark to see details. Our first camp is at the river's edge in the center of the picture.
Remnants of the super moon- taken at 4:32 am
Exploring a side creek- we hiked to the ridge in the background the previous night.
Amazing basalt flow formations- originating from the Picture Gorge volcano millions of years ago, which is a different source than the basalt flows in the Columbia Gorge.
It was a fantastic trip- made even better by stumbling upon the town of Fossil and getting the chance to do a little digging in the fossil beds behind the Wheeler County High School football field:
My finds-Metasequoia needles- 33 million years old!
and maybe alders?
What an amazing place to visit! We were really close to the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. I would love to go back some time and visit the paleontology center there. These fossils are part of the Bridge Creek Flora of the John Day Formation- Oligocene Age- 32.5 millions years ago when this area was not a desert, but a low lying swampy forest.
Other bird highlights include the whistles of a Northern Pygmy owl late at night in the forest, magpies in droves, the first swallows of the season, and a few mystery birds I still can't identify. Here is the bird list from the trip:
Canada Goose
American Wigeon
Common Merganser
Peregrine Falcon
Northern Pygmy-Owl
Belted Kingfisher
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Pileated Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Say's Phoebe
Stellar's Jay
Black-billed Magpie
American Crow
Northern Rough-winged swallow
Black-Capped Chickadee
Red-breasted Nuthatch
American Dipper
Western Bluebird
Townsend's Solitaire
American Robin
Song Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Red-winged Blackbird
Western Meadowlark